
It’s all about a good drum sound. A cooperation with the music producer Tommy Newton has led us to develop the S-mic 101 series microphones, so we can give you...

Recorded at Tonstudio Tessmar / Germany Introducing our new microphon series S-mic 101 snare and S-mic 101 tom and our new Soundhoops pro series. Please use headphones to hear the...

The UK drum show in Manchester am 29.09 bis 30.09.2018 https://theukdrumshow.com/Chrash It Vol. 3 in Mannheim am 20.10.2018 https://www.facebook.com/events/1804795086480765/Musik Produktiv in Ibbenbüren am 09.11 bis 11.11.2018 https://www.musik-produktiv-messe.de/ ...